Monday, February 7, 2011

Tk Max Ciderella Dresses

Meet the knife / knives Mary


Theoretically, owning a knife like this could get you killed in the West Berlin of 1982. Thus was the post war law of the allied forces (USA, USSR, England, France) who until 1990 had the last say in Berlin. They didn't use this particular paragraph, because they didn't have to and it would have been somewhat unpopular, but it's always quite handy to have some laws up your sleeve everybody else has forgotten about.


Mein in der Kastrationsszene verwendetes Messer sieht zwar brutal und gefährlich aus, aber das liegt nur an seiner Darstellungskunst. Leider ist dies sein einziger Film geblieben. Sein großartiges Potential wurde nie wirklich genutzt.


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