Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Apothecary Coffee Table

signs of life

bereitz announced as I'm alive
had me at the time far, far south in the wake of the whole done safe the city is found where my apartment.
also pave the subsequent traffic congestion due to the non moving very bombay I only noticed the very few taxis were in the south and I had to wait longer than usual to one.

a photo from the tv:

which this velocity thematic overlaps with my diploma thesis is aufweißt was not sure planned

"that the gap always the place for zievielen is disobedient," was a schwerpungt the middle section of my second act

as you can see it's me so yesterday managed to perform the second part of my thesis and what a great relief for me.

I look forward to Sonja, exactly as it comes no matter what state they come, we will live just 3 weeks in another country, enjoy and experience sameln


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